The ligaments help hold the bones together, stabalize ankle position, and provides a range of motion. Injury to the ligaments can take a long time to heal and limit the range of motion of the foot.
- Pain, especially when your put weight on the affected ankle and foot.
- Tenderness
- Swelling
- Instability of the ankle
- Restricted range of motion
What are some risk factors?
- Sports participation
- Uneven surfaces
- Poor physical conditions
- Improper shoes
- Examination by preferred podiatrists
- X-rays
- CT Scan
- Podiatrits may precribe pain relievers or anti-infalmmtionm medication
- Doctor will also precribe an ankle stabilizer, walking boot, or cast
- Physical therapy is recommended if necessary
- Surgery if necessary
We, United Foot and Ankle, strive to give our patients the best treatment options. If you or a loved one are experiencing similar symptoms, please feel free to contact us at (732) 979-2035. We are located in East Brunswick, Perth Amboy, and Bayonne. We look forward to seeing you.